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Song of Songs Commission for In Mulieribus, 2021 

"Passages" A poem by Lynn Darroch / Earth Day 2020

Walt Whitman: For the poet's 200th Birthday 2019

Insect Poetry
Directed by

Marilyn Zornado

& Animated by her

Talented Friends

Tucked quietly away in the corner of a writer's study, The Insect Literary Society has convened this night to share new poems written by a few of its members.






Old-Time Film


​A letterpress-printed animation short printed entirely from antique news cuts, printer’s ornaments, hand-set type and bell wire on a Vandercook SP-15.

Directed, Animated

and Printed by

Barbara Tetenbaum

& Marilyn Zornado

Music by The Macrae Sisters.

Made in part with a grant from RACC.


Spring Lines
Calligraphy comes to life to express

the beauty of spring through the

words of twelve poets.

Directed & Animated by

Marilyn Zornado

Here are the words of Dylan Thomas, e.e. cummings, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Langston Hughes and others.



Maroon ​​A tribute to WORD JAZZ poet, Ken Nordine, 2015

French Film

​​Are the stilted phrases we use when learning a language comparable to the awkward conversations when two people begin a relationship?


Directed, Animated

& Printed by

Marilyn Zornado &

Barbara Tetenbaum

Music by 3-Leg Torso

Entirely printed on a Vandercook Press using an experimental ink-on-paper technique of pressure printing, this film combines imagery from a 1890s fitness book and language exercises from French text books we studied in high school, expressing both the urgency and agency of new love.



Z O R N A D O  D E S I G N   /  z o r n a d o  @  g m a i l . c o m   /   5 0 3 . 8 0 7 . 4 8 2 5

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